
some of my outstanding dreams

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

the theatre group on the boardwalk

I go places in my dreams... socially, physically... like NYC.
And I keep it up, the relationships I establish.

I remember even trying to rent an apartment, in the dream city I go to. Right by the beach, in the theatre district. I remember that the rent was so low because there was a big curtain, and it was a window to the livingroom and your daily life WAS the street theatre, for the passers by as an advertisement for the real theatre that was renting the apartment (tiny)... It was a competitive theatre district, you gotta get those patrons of the arts on board!!

But I decline the apartment and soon the space was rented by a nice man who turned it into a workshop theatre space, the picture window advertised the work in progress and the big show night had the red velveteen curtains closed to the outside...

And admission??

Well if you wanted to come in and work on your acting skills, and be a part of the troupe,. you must bring in and place on the table, one lonely shoe... not a galosh or some kind of birkinstock heavens no!! he wanted a single lonely "where is the other one, I am missing a shoe" singlton stiletto or stack heel or platform shoe. But just one, on the table.

And that's how I left him and his troupe which was me and one other person...

Last night, I went back, by the beach for a visit, as I stepped into the large theatre building, an orca whale flipped out of the water in an arc. I would have liked to dive into that ocean and swim away... (it's MY dream, why not??)

So I go in to the building and see the small apartment come theatre to the right and that the new proprieter has made himself a small office space in the hallway leading to the main room (with the window) He smiled to see me there like an old friend would (I have no idea what his name is) and I believe I wander to his desk to greet him. He asks me to admire all the shoes that have shown up since my initial visit. There are many many lovely single shoes there. I tell him that just today, I found a shoe for him, a vintage singleton, circa 1940 something and he seems pleased. I am again struck by how good looking he is for a man who is in his lat 40's I am finding myself more and more attracted to him, he has something about him and it is working on me!

Then we both go into the real room and meet up with the other two-three performers. And they are all pretty nice people. The director suggests that I hug him... NO PROBLEMO! I think, and then he suggests everyone gather round and get in on this hug, I am soon being hugged by several people at once. It feels pretty good.

I wonder, if we could move this to the ocean, and get that orca whale involved somehow? I think.



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