
some of my outstanding dreams

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Money

Me and some slick-back-daddy are in a field. Slick-back has and entire BRICK of money, like a box, but it's money, alot of money alot alot of money. And slick-back is planning on burying it in the field (it's wrapped in cellophane. There is so much that he struggles to carry it all. Somehow, I am an accomplice to this. And the impression is that it is you know, ill gotten gains. Soon it is evident that slick-back has some idea of whacking me over the head with his shovel... but that is soon thwarted by the arrival of two goodie two-shoes girls. The girls, are plain and simple and full of good intentions, like they are picking wildflowers or something like that and stumble upon SB by accident. So he proceeds to WHACK them in the head instead. but they recover, quickly and there is a hiway to the left of us, and some female busdriver notices SB as he intends to o these girls in. The Jig is UP! she is on her bus radio, calling the police. It becomes evident that this money (a huge amount of it) is stolen.

Cut to the mall.

A plush luxury mall with only the finest is where we are now. I don't remember buying anything, but SB has a bunch of stuff, none of which I can remember.

cut to the street corner.
There is a woman there, a foreigner, (German?) and she has an open guitar case or something, she is on the street corner, sitting on a stool and singing I think, she is older, grey hair and she has seen quite a bit of this transaction, like she knows....knows knows the money is dirty, but she approves of the tactic. I think it was my idea, and she likes it, that if SB has to be caught, he should make himself anonymous. How? by giving half of the money away. Full on half of the money is being handed out to poor people (who come to visit the old singing woman). Seems like full-on thousands of dollars are passed directly into the hands of the less fortunate, and of course, the mall is only a block away... of course they go there to spend the money...of course the word is out on the streets that money is getting passed out by where the old woman sits. (she is not that old, she is my friend)

So when they figure to arrest SB, he will just claim to have been passed out money on the street, same as all the rest of the people.

cut back to the mall...

It's not slick-back-daddy being escorted out of the mall, it's mack-daddy instead. Slick back must have had a partner, I guess. I am an observer. I was in the field with SB for some reason, but I did not spend the money in the mall.

I see the look on MD's face as he is escorted out of the mall by police in handcuffs. It seems to say, you'll never pin this on me, soon enough you will find that hundreds of people were in this mall spending the stolen money.

By doing this, passing out the money, SB and MD are able to keep 50% of what they have for themselves, and have created a pretty good smokescreen by passing out the rest to strangers in need.

I am pleased that they took my advice, it may have been stolen money, but it went to people in need, the first of which were the two goodie-two-shoes that stumbled across us in the field.

But I still woke up with a headache that felt like I had been whacked across the head with a shovel!


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