
some of my outstanding dreams

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday Morning

Tonight is my date with cutie-boy who is 35.
So I think it was him that I dreamed of...
I dreamed of some kind of cutie boy.
and his very old father who looked like a grandfather but acted like a best friend.

And of course I wanted to please him and have him like me so he would say good things about me to his son.
So when he asked me to help do the laundry, I complied.

"First you have to sort the lights from the darks" I told him, and then hot water for the dirty ones cool water for the delicates.

And I leave the mound of laundry, and forget to come back.

When I do come back, I see the laundry is almost done, and my dress, the silk one, that I never got to wear on my last "big weekend" over labor day, is no longer in the pile. DID you wash it??? I panic. Granpa-Dad of cutie boy said no, he did not. That's good, I think, because I never even wore it, and it is handmade handpainted silk

It was a long dream, not sure I can describe it.
Cutie boy made T-Shirts, and that's how we dream met one another.
OH yeah,,, he also sold this really good grass and that's where I met him, as my friend wanted to buy some. Huh, real life cutie boy does not use drugs. Neither do I.

Anyway,., I buy a bunch of really good grass and he also sells me handmade T-Shirts 17 T-shirts for 20 bucks. Then he invites me to stay, meet his father and we all go to like, Wal-mart or somewhere because he is also selling tickets to a show.
And we find out that the show date was changed, or the tickets misprinted, but in the end... the festival was 2 days long and the show date was correct, so all the tickets did end up having the right date. Dream cutie boy was worried that nobody would show up to his show. Real life cutie boy is in a pretty decent band with a genre all their own... Well maybe acid fusion jazz defines it. He defines it (in real life) as 40 seven yearolds left alone in a room...
So anyway. We fall in dream love and I rub his feet and he rubs mine.
He had some kind of cold and was trying to get me to drink this special tea and then this special clear liquid. I was afraid, because he could not tell me what was in it, and then I realized that is how others feel when I try to tell them about that Miracle Water.
I drank it though because I trusted him, and I did not get dream sick like he was.

I remember him laying his head on my left breast for comfort on the drive back from the store.

It was a pretty good dream...


Well, I dreamed this once before.
I had a thorn or a horn or a spike... something VERY ODD in my vagina.
and I felt it and I wondered how I was growing a horn or thorn down there. It was just above the opening and under the clit. and it was not always visible and it was sharp and FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK freak out.
cause it is so real that I wake up traumatized.
Who wants a small sharp thing in the hotbox?
So the only thing I can think of is that I had major inspection before bed as I recently had unprotecte sex with an individual who chose to vanish from my life directly after, and that is not a good feeling, not at all. Makes a girl wonder... what was the reason? You know what he TELLS you, but you also remember him saying:
"You know how I begged you not to sleep with me on the first night? Well that was just my way of getting you to sleep with me on the first night."
So manipulation is there, and why not deciet? Anyways, I could not be certain, especially not with the silence that ensued, that he had not been sleeping around with anything that had 2 legs. You want to trust your lovers, but then, in the end...especially when he vanishes almost immediatly, (No matter what reason he gives you) you begin to wonder if you did a very stupid thing by not being safe.

Anyway, that is my satchel of insecurity, I am ultra worried about VD now, mainly because of silence. And I HATE REALLY HATE getting into the stirrups and getting my cervix scraped to test for VD. SO my worries are obvious to me in my dream and disturbing too. A sharp horn? WTF??? Nobody wants to screw with a chick who's vagina has TEETH for God's sake!!

It just really bothered me, this end to my dream, I feel like it is still there.


  • At 9:56 AM, September 28, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    interesting ... how dreams sort of are a reflection of our hopes and fears and subconscious goings on.

    get checked out. i know i know ... its unpleasant. but - do it. a little discomfort now could save you a lot later on ... ;^)


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