
some of my outstanding dreams

Sunday, October 01, 2006

you again

I flew the long long flight to where your work was,
it had a lot of red brick to it, lots of wings, lots of corridors.
They let people wander around there, like a learning college.
I did not see you.
I was there for 2 days before I left again.
The concierge for the flight was very nice.
I ended up with the leather seats from the plane.
I bought a silly card there, the send to you when I got home.

When I got home something happened.

You threw me down a long hole. and I could not get out, and you threw down food and water and a table and chair were there, but I am not sure, because I was you.
I was watching you torture me by keeping me isolated.
It seemed to please you.
There seemed to be no empathy.
Except that you kept on throwing things down the hole for me.
And that's how I woke up.

I know I said I would write to you today, but I just don't feel like it now.

maybe I am still in the hole that you threw me into.


  • At 3:39 PM, October 01, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hi. you know who this is. how sad this is, infini. sad. thinking of you. i'll work on these tags for this template.

    plug on babeee.



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